What is the Potential for Savings with an Oil to Gas Furnace Conversion?

What is the Potential for Savings with an Oil to Gas Furnace Conversion?

What is the Potential for Savings with an Oil to Gas Furnace Conversion?

Posted by on 2023-08-01

Oil to gas furnace conversion is an excellent way to save money on your energy bills! While it can be expensive up front (around $3000-$5000 for a complete installation), the potential for savings in the long run is undeniable. For instance, natural gas typically costs less than oil, so you'll immediately start seeing lower monthly energy expenses. Plus, gas furnaces are more efficient and require less maintenance - meaning even bigger savings down the line!

Moreover, with an oil-to-gas furnace conversion you can qualify for certain tax credits and incentives. Depending on where you live, these government programs offer hundreds of dollars of rebates that can partially or fully cover the cost of your conversion. That's why it's worth researching what kind of polices exist in your state or city.

Finally, there are environmental considerations as well! Burning natural gas produces significantly fewer emissions than burning oil. So by making the switch you'll be doing your part to help reduce air pollution and keep our planet healthy! All in all, converting from an oil to a gas furnace is both financially savvy and environmentally friendly – definitely something worth considering if your boiler needs replacing soon.